Sunday, March 3, 2013

This Weekend...

This took a while to post, but I wanted to wait and post pictures this weekend because the weather was supposed to be better. I ended up taking a few pictures, but still none of a person. (That will probably be later this week...)

For my finished product, I will have a portfolio containing thirty-six photos. They will be of twelve different themes according to the settings on my camera  (ex. portrait, sports, landscape, night portrait, etc.) Each theme will have three of the same photos, taken with different settings. (The first will be auto, the second will be adjusted to fit the shot as well as the lighting, and the third will be photoshopped.) This may sound confusing, but it's actually not.

Anyway, here's some pictures I took this weekend...

It can be hard to take pictures of trees in the winter, but I kind of like how this turned out. I wish the trees in the background weren't in the picture, but I can't really do anything about that...

I don't know if I like this one or not... but it's interesting..

Just a rusty nail. And some moss. 

To me, this just captures the dreariness of winter. I'm so ready for spring to be here and the trees to start blossoming and everything to look really pretty and colorful instead of dull and boring. 

I don't know if this is obvious to people or not, but this is a pinecone. Something about this picture fascinates me. 

Out of all of the ones I took, this is probably my favorite. No reason, I just like it.

I know these aren't the best photos, but thats partially why I am doing this project. I want to learn how to make my pictures better. Plus, these pictures were taken in and around my neighborhood, so I need to go out to a new location, like a forest. 

If you have any tips or suggestions on how to make my pictures better or anything to take pictures of, let me know! Thank you!


  1. Kara I really like these photos (and your comments for each photo)! I don't know much about taking photos so from a non-avid-photographer-just-some-person's point of view it's a great start and the colors of the photos are pretty. If you need another nature location to take photos you could take them at the Horseshoe trail area if you're staying after school. Also since you've taken photos of nature, maybe you should try a more civilized area next, like going downtown or even to the streets of Ambler. I can't wait to see your photoshopped pictures at the end of all this!

  2. Kara, these pictures are great! I agree with Ashley- you should definitely try taking pictures in different locations with different scenery to have some variation. The other day I had suggested to you to go down to the Philadelphia Art Museum because (in my opinion) you can get some really interesting photos around there. I don't know if you mentioned this in an earlier blog post, but what lens do you have for your camera?

  3. The photos are great. Give yourself more credit for them, they're very well focused and interesting. I think they'd make really good desktop backgrounds, actually, since they're simple but pretty. Your style seems to be minimalistic, with up-close shots of just one subject. It's good, but maybe you should try taking photos with more going on in them. Experiment with making the viewer focus on a certain part of the photo even with something happening in another place.

  4. Hi Kara, so far it seems like you are making awesome progress! The photos you have taken look good and and of high quality. Pictures of nature are always very beautiful, but beginning to take pictures of people seems like whole new challenge. I personally think that you are ready to move on and try to begin to successfully take pictures of humans! If you want to continue to take photos of nature, an area that would be interesting to take picture would be down by the "bay" in Muirfield or the forest behind out house. Hope this helps!
    Good Job, Ben

  5. Kara, I am very impressed at how you have progressed over the time, since we began this project, especially because you said that you had not been taking photos regularly before this. I think that these photos look like you have been taking pictures since you got your camera. I really like how you took pictures of simple things and made them into something beautiful, and included your opinion of each of them.
