Sunday, March 24, 2013

More Pictures!

Let me just start out by saying how difficult it is to find good pictures in Blue Bell in winter when its rainy, dreary, overcast and gross outside. The lighting sucks for indoor photography and I can only take so many pictures of tree branches against the blue sky with clouds. It's officially spring so I expect nice weather and trees to start blooming. I want pictures of pretty flowers, not snow.

I have yet to do night photography, and I have yet to figure out how I am going to do it and what I will even take pictures of. I need to go to the city at night or a good place to take pictures. (like I mentioned in an earlier blog, this would be so much easier if I could drive myself around or Brianna could.) We might end up going to see my cousins so that would be a good time to get those pictures and some more portraits I've been wanting. If anyone wants to model, I'll take pictures!

Other than that, I feel really accomplished. I finally got the pictures of architecture I wanted! My grandma and I drove around and I took pictures of random things I saw. She was willing to randomly drive around with me unlike anyone else in my family. I ended up finding some really fascinating things and I think some of my pictures turned out really good. I took over six hundred pictures in a few short hours and I took them using all different functions: different modes, different ISO's, different focusing options, and many other settings.

We got yelled at by a group of men for "taking their picture" once, got an enormous amount of strange looks for pulling over and taking pictures as well as almost getting hit by a car.

Here are some of the pictures I took:

My favorite picture of the whole project (so far). I love the clock and how you see the pub sign in the background and I think the colors work really well together.

Probably the picture I got the most weird looks for taking. I was across the street, crouched down on the ground in the middle of a sidewalk just casually taking pictures...

I like the picture, but not one of my favorites. The line in the middle is awful and the cut off signs don't look to pretty. Maybe I'll just crop this one.

I had so much fun taking this picture. It was really windy and the flags were blowing everywhere and I was able to capture their motion. I love how the Marine flag is blowing the opposite way.

This a real house in a neighborhood. It would be so cool to live here.

The first of a couple pictures you'll see of this bridge. I literally thought it was so pretty.

A slow down sign on a slow down sign.

Also probably another one of my favorites. I love the colors throughout the picture.

Nothing special, just an interesting angle.

I have so many pictures of these flags waving and this was the best one I picked out. It was at a war memorial (The bottom flag is a POW-MIA, which stands for "Prisoners of War, Missing In Action")

I thought this bridge was so cool. I think it would have looked better in the summertime because I think the barren trees in the background ruin it. 

Due to time constraints, I think I bit off more than I can chew and decided to cut the photoshop element out of my project. Between trying to learn photoshop, editing pictures, still taking a few more pictures and working on my presentation, I just don't have enough time for all of it!

As for my presentation, I have some work to do. My script needs to be finished and I need to work on my visual component. To show my progress throughout the seven weeks, I will be making a short book called "Kara's Intro to Photography" that will show all of the basic things I learned. I plan to include basic vocabulary as well as teach people what the different modes are and when it is appropriate to use them. Also included will be some of the pictures I have taken throughout the weeks.

At least I have all week to get everything finalized. The poor people on vacation...


  1. Kara, you have definitely made a lot of progress from the beginning of this project. These pictures are awesome!! I really liked the ones of that bridge - it looked so cool. I’m glad you were able to find some interesting subjects, because I know that was something you were struggling with a few weeks ago. Awesome job and good luck with your presentation!

  2. Kara I think your pictures are great! But I have to disagree with you about the one with the two doors because I believe the line down the middle actually adds to the pictures and makes it seem more realistic. What has been your favorite thing to take pictures of? It seems to be building, but why? Do you like the architecture? The color? Well good luck taking more pictures in the future!
